See all our recent changes below for the Product Feed Elite plugin.
Version 5.0.0
- Bug Fix: Empty feed when filtering by category in secondary language (TranslatePress)
- Bug Fix: Incorrect currency for shipping based on frontend selection for Curcy
- Bug Fix: Incorrect price conversion based on frontend currency selection with Curcy
- Bug Fix: Move the product data condition value processing to the Elite plugin
- Bug Fix: Remove the License menu item from subsites
- Bug Fix: WPML Multicurrency pricing is incorrect for the main language
- Bug Fix: [Aelia]: Incorrect pricing when admin chooses a different currency from the frontend
- Improvement: Refactor unprefixed options
- Improvement: Shipping cost is same as the lowest shipping cost
Version 4.9.9
- Bug Fix: Filter method isn't working properly with multi-currency feature
- Bug Fix: License page not showing under plugin menu
- Bug Fix: Security: woosea_save_custom_general_fields should validate nonce before saving
- Bug Fix: Security: woosea_save_custom_variable_fields does not validate nonce
- Bug Fix: Unable to change Elite settings
- Bug Fix: TranslatePress: Product Category is not translated into the secondary language.
- Bug Fix: TranslatePress: The secondary language slug is missing from Add to Cart URL
- Bug Fix: WPML: Different language product doesn't appear in the feed
- Bug Fix: WPML: Link changed to the admin bar switched language
- Bug Fix: Exlcluding VAT values are not working for multicurrency
- Bug Fix: Fatal error on the settings page after activating PFP
- Bug Fix: Filter and appearance issues for a secondary language with WPML
- Bug Fix: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly error
- Bug Fix: Product Data Manipulation doesn't work when Wholesale Prices plugin is activated
Version 4.9.8
- Bug Fix: Aelia Fails when a product does not have price
- Bug Fix: CURCY decimal setting is not used
- Bug Fix: Elite options are unable to activate on multisite environment
- Bug Fix: Facebook constant already defined warnings
- Bug Fix: Fatal error while creating a feed when CURCY premium is activated
- Bug Fix: Fatal error from woosea_elite_fieldmapping_dialog_helptext function
- Bug Fix: integration is not working with the premium version of Curcy
- Bug Fix: integration is not working with the Pro version of Polylang
- Bug Fix: Shipping currency and cost are not converted to the selected currency
- Bug Fix: TranslatePress not using the translation product URL
- Bug Fix: Variations setting in the product editor is missing When GTIN,MPN options are enabled but extra fields are disabled
- Bug Fix: WPML: Currency display settings is breaking price conversion
- Bug Fix: WPML: Products not in the default language are hidden from the feed
- Bug Fix: Curcy: Fatal Error when a product price is a float
- Bug Fix: WCML: Fatal Error when a product price is a float
- Feature: Support WooCommerce GTIN, UPC, EAN or ISBN
Version 4.9.7
- Bug Fix: Automatic Update Notice doesn't disappear when on latest version
- Bug Fix: Shipping cost is same as lowest shipping cost
- Bug Fix: TranslatePress integration doesn't work properly
- Improvement: Elite requires Pro: Aelia Currency Switcher Integration
- Improvement: Elite requires Pro: Curcy Currency Switcher Integration
- Improvement: Elite requires Pro: Polylang Integration
- Improvement: Elite requires Pro: TranslatePress Integration
- Improvement: Elite requires Pro: WPML and WCML Integration
- Improvement: Refactor unprefixed options
- Improvement: WooCommerce HPOS compatibility
Version 4.9.6
- Improvement: UI/UX: Use Select2 js on large select option input
- Improvement: UI/UX: Add tooltip on Feed filters and rules columns
- Improvement: Limit the amount of history products in system report
- Improvement: Update options to not to be autoloaded
Version 4.9.5
- Bug Fix: Selecting Google Shopping feed shows unneeded delimiter option
- Bug Fix: Creating a new feed in CSV, TSV and TXT duplicates the delimiter option
- Bug Fix: woosea_channel processes country data without nonce verification
- Bug Fix: Fatal error when creating new feed and no products exist
- Bug Fix: Improper usage of operators
- Bug Fix: Fatal error on when WooCommerce is not activated
- Improvement: Implement class autoloader
- Improvement: Remove unused functions
- Improvement: Add AdTribes logo and branding to all admin pages
- Feature: Implement new license manager and updater code
Version 4.9.4
- Feature: Display debug information in the plugin system check page