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Did you know you can add ‘fake’ content to your product feeds? Content that you do not have configured for your products but is required by the channels you are configuring a product feed for?
Let’s illustrate this with an example:
You run an e-commerce website and sell your own brand of products called “My Own Brand”. The issue is that you haven’t saved this brand as an attribute for your products, and Google requires the brand to be provided for their merchant center.
You could decide to create a custom brand attribute and start filling in the brand for all of your products. When you only have a few products that would be manageable but when you have thousands of them it would become a very time-consuming task.
That’s why we have introduced a so-called static value mapping option on the attribute mapping page. To get the ‘fake’ brand inserted in a product feed for the above example you would need to take the following steps:
Select ‘Static value’ from the drop-down on the attribute mapping page like this (in this example for Google’s g:brand field):

You will find that the drop-down will change into an input field. You can now put in the static value you need. In this case, we will put in our own brand:

This will result in the brand showing like this in your product feed:

Please note that this value will be used for all your products.