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  3. Filters & Rules
  4. How to Add Featured Products to Your Product Feed?

How to Add Featured Products to Your Product Feed?

We have listened to your feedback and added support for creating filters and rules for featured products in version 5.7.4 of our plugin. This allows you to create product feeds containing only those products, or exclude them if needed.

All you have to do is create a filter in your product feed configuration.  The include_only filter you need to create looks like this:

Featured products only filter

When you would like to remove featured products from your feed then you need to change the filter from ‘include only’ to ‘exclude’.

All of the above of course only works when you have actually configured some of your products as being a ‘featured product’. Do not know how you can configure this in WooCommerce? Check out this tutorial.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team when you need help with setting up filters.

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