Imagine you have hundreds of product categories, all falling under the same Google Shopping Category, and having to map each one manually — how time-consuming that would be? To streamline this process, we have introduced this Cascading Parent/Child Category Mapping feature, as shown in the screenshot below. This enhancement reduces the manual workload, enabling faster and more efficient Google Shopping Category mapping.

How does it work?
On the Category Mapping step of your feed, you will find a tiny down arrow icon and a larger down arrow icon together next to the Google Shopping Category field for those categories that have child/sub-categories. If a category does not have a sub-category, only the larger down arrow icon will be available.
Clicking any of the keys will copy the mapped categories. The differences between those icons are the following:
Tiny Arrow Icon: It will copy the mapped Google Shopping Category for the main category to all subcategories associated with that main/parent category

Larger Arrow Icon: This will copy the mapped Google Shopping Category to all categories that are located below the category regardless of parent/sub-categories.

All the best with mapping your categories!
If you require any further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.