Variable products are a product type in WooCommerce that lets you offer a set of variations on a product, with control over prices, stock, image and more for each variation. They can be used for a product like a shirt, where you can offer a large, medium and small and in different colors. Need more information on how to set-up these products in WooCommerce? Check out their excellent tutorial.

Once you have set-up these variable products on your website you also want to make sure those variable products make it to your product feed. All you need to do is enable the “include product variations” option on the first page of the product feed configuration.

Include product variants

One or multiple attributes make that a product is a variable product, such as color and size. The plugin will automatically append the attribute values to the product name for variable products. However, it will only do so when you have also added these attributes to your product feed on the field mapping configuration screen. Just hit the ‘+ Add field mapping’ button and add the attribute mappings:

Add attributes

The plugin will now create unique product names for your variable products that have the following format:

– Yellow Small

– Yellow Medium

– Yellow Large

– Red Small

– Red Medium

– Red Large

Important to note is that when you are creating a product feed for Google Shopping or Facebook is that they require you to remove the mother/parent product of the variable products from the product feed as consumers can only buy the variable products and not the mother-product itself. The plugin does this for you automatically.

When you do not want to add all variations of a variable product to your feed but just one, than read our blog post on how to add just one variation to your feeds.